We're all free willed! Yay!
I just demonstrated to my satisfaction that Free Will is conclusively victorious over predestination. I'll make it short and sweet:
Predestination is the same as Free Will unless the active permutations can be tracked and measured before they occur. If the permutations are known before they occur, then this knowledge invalidates the events of the permutations within the set that includes the measurement.
So if you know how the dice will fall, that knowledge will change the universe in which they fall, which includes the possibility of altering their fall. On any LOCAL level, predestination can appear to exist, but there is always a larger set where that predestination is an illusion.
Therefore, ultimately, free will wins! There is always n+1 where n is the set of permutations that is known, and 1 represents the unknown. The last permutation can never be known, because if it were, there would be a greater one beyond it. Eventually you come to the unknown set where free will dominates.
Wow! That's a relief! We're limited beings that might APPEAR to be not have free will sometimes, but in fact we do have it because there is always an unknown set that encompasses the final observer. Predestination is an illusion of scale.
No, no, don't thank me, I'm just happy to have cleared this whole matter up :)
(please post any rebuttals in the comment section below!)
It's both
so yes
you can measure and calculate and with proper experiments and prove free will is the only way.
you can measure and calculate and with proper experiments and prove predestination is the only way.
so it's both, and in reality that means its neither, it's just our limited expression chooses to see it one way or the other depending on the current perspective
I write a little about this in my Taoism site
PS you had a nice reply in Don's Blog about death. Which is why I be-bopped by to say hi. Nicely posted.
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